Valley's heart hema

Corvallis' Premier Historical Fencing Academy

Come Learn the Art of Swordsmanship in the Heart of the Willamette Valley


We primarily study the tradition of Kunst des Fechten (Art of Fencing), which emphasizes practice of longsword, quarterstaff/spear, dussack/messer, and wrestling/dagger. Some classes will incorporate other weapon systems including rapier, singlestick/broadsword, saber, and many other weapon systems. Beginners are always welcome and your first practice is free!

Regular practices are currently on Sundays doors open at 10:50 AM and practice begins at 11 AM sharp. New students are encouraged to reach out by email for our Discord server, practice times, and location.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to exercise in and bring a water bottle.


At VHH we wholeheartedly support Fighters Against Racism. Historically the martial tradition in Europe has been an inclusive one; the European in HEMA refers to the countries in which the techniques were practiced, and the sources labelled as or German/Italian refer to the language the medieval manuscripts were written in. It never was and never should be the basis for the exclusion of those wishing to learn and practice. 

VHH is a proud member and sponsor of the HEMA Alliance and HROARR, both of which provide the resources necessary to pursue our studies.